QMidiarp Logo QMidiArp - A MIDI Arpeggiator, Step Sequencer and Controller LFO

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GUI Overview


MIDI Connections
Main Toolbar
MIDI Clock operation
JACK Transport Client Operation
Global Storage
Arpeggiator Modules
LFO Modules
Step Sequencer Modules
MIDI control
Event Log
Example Files
Comand Line Usage and Options
Supported Files

Click on icon for module documentation

ArpsLFOsSeqsGlobal Storage

Connections and General Operation

When no commandline options are given, QMidiArp starts as a JACK MIDI client with an input port and two output ports. You can now connect the MIDI ports. In the following example, an Edirol UA-25 interface is connected to a MIDI Keyboard. A2jmidid is used (a2j -e) to bridge the ALSA MIDI world to Jack MIDI.
In Ladish or Patchage, this would look like the following, the MIDI connections are in red, the audio connections in blue.
Connection in Ladish with amSynth
In QJackCtl you would connect QMidiArp like the following (note that we're looking at the MIDI tab that shows JACK MIDI connections only):
Connections in QJackCtl

The a2j JACK MIDI client shows the ALSA MIDI devices and programs (here only necessary for the UA-25 hardware interface. The JACK MIDI elements (such as qmidiarp and yoshimi) show up directly.

If you don't have a2jmidid or only have ALSA MIDI programs or don't want to use JACK MIDI, you can use QMidiArp with ALSA as well.
For starting QMidiArp as an ALSA client, use the -a option, and you would see something like this when you start
ZynAddSubFX and qmidiarp -a
Connections in QJackCtl with ALSA MIDI
Note that in this example we are looking at the ALSA tab showing ALSA MIDI connections.

Main Toolbar

The QMidiArp main toolbar will show up like this after starting the program:

Command Toolbar

New modules can be created by clicking one of the Add Arp..., Add LFO... or Add Step Sequencer... buttons, which will show a new tab with the chosen module in the main area. The modules can be renamed or removed using the corresponding buttons or menu functions. Modules can be detached from the main window to control and view them in parallel. They can be brought back to the main window again by clicking on the icon on the left side of each module title bar. They can also be aligned side-by-side within the same window if the main window is stretched sufficiently before reinserting a module. The entire setup containing all arps, sequences and LFOs in the tab bar along with the parameters set in the Settings window can be saved to or loaded from a QMidiArp XML file (.qmax). The tempo of the queue can be set in beats per minute and affects all modules.
To make QMidiArp play whatsoever, you need to start it using the blue arrow button.

MIDI Clock operation (ALSA MIDI only)

QMidiArp can use incoming MIDI clock events as clock and start/stop control source. If the MIDI clock button right of the tempo box is pressed, the running ALSA queue is stopped, and QMidiArp will wait for an incoming "MIDI Clock Start" event from an external source connected to QMidiArp's MIDI input. Once this event is received, the queue is started using MIDI realtime clock events as clock source. QMidiArp will best remain in sync with the incoming MIDI clock if its internal tempo value (see above) approximately corresponds to that of the incoming clock. The MIDI clock tempo is, however, measured while the queue is running. Therefore, if the tempos of the MIDI clock and that of QMidiArp differ, synchronization should become stable from the second queue start. The queue will stop when a MIDI Clock Stop event is received. During MIDI Clock operation, QMidiArp's own clock start and stop functions as well as adding or loading new setups are disabled. They are enabled again by unchecking the MIDI clock button.


JACK Transport Client Operation

When the Jack Transport Connect button is pressed, QMidiArp will try to connect to a running Jack server and then function as a Jack Transport client, i.e. set its tempo and remain synchronized to a running Jack Transport master. The Jack button will be released automatically if QMidiArp gets disconnected from Jack by a possible Jack shutdown or if Jack is not available at connection time.

Note: MIDI Clock and Jack Transport button states will be saved with the QMidiArp session file, and get active or inactive when a new session file is loaded.


Groove Settings Window

The Groove sliders control a linear shift of timing, length and velocity within each beat of the output pattern. This can be used to create swing timing and accent. Groove settings apply to all modules simultaneously.


Settings Window

The Settings window allows you to configure if and to which port incoming events that do not match any module's input filter are forwarded ( unmatched events). You can also set whether incoming controller events are recognized for muting and controlling the modules separately. If this option is set, QMidiArp will recognize MIDI control events that can be attributed to different parameters (see MIDI Control ). By checking the compact module style all new created modules will show with small GUI elements to be more economic in space when distributed as separate windows over the desktop.

All settings in this dialog are stored along with the module data in the qmax session file.


MIDI control

QMidiArp supports MIDI control events if the Modules controllable by MIDI CC option is checked in the Settings dialog.

MIDI Learn

Controllers can be attributed by right-clicking on the sliders or mute checkbox in each module and selecting MIDI Learn. QMidiArp will then wait for MIDI control events, and moving a MIDI controller connected to QMidiArp's input will attribute this controller to the control item. It is possible to add several MIDI controllers to one item. If MIDI Forget is selected, all controllers for that item are removed. If Cancel MIDI learning is selected, the learn process is stopped.

Note that by default, mute controllers are interpreted as toggles, i.e. the mute state is toggled on reception of a value of 127 from the attributed controller.

Control Editor

Midi Control EditorThe Control Editor is accessible from the View menu. Controls can be edited by MIDI control number, channel, and the minimum and maximum values that are sent to the control item. Mute controllers have a special behaviour. If minimum and maximum are equal, the controller acts as toggler upon reception of the adjusted value. If minimum is different from maximum, the corresponding module will be muted upon reception of minimum and unmuted upon reception of maximum as values.

If Remove is pressed, the currently selected line will be removed, pressing Revert reloads the current controller settings. Pressing Cancel quits the control editor without applying changes, and only if OK is pressed, the edited control list becomes active.


Event Log

The Event Log displays incoming MIDI events. It is displayed in the bottom area by default, but can be hidden if not needed or set floating as a top-level window on the desktop. Logging can also be disabled generally or for MIDI Clock events only.


Example Files

There are currently three demo arpeggios. The demo.qmax arpeggio was intended to be used with the following sound types: Ch 1: Marimba, Ch 2: Celesta, Ch 3: Acoustic Bass, but you can get interesting results if you use other instrument settings.

The demo_seqlfo.qmax setup shows the use of the new sequencer and LFO modules playing in parallel. The sequencer outputs should be routed to percussive synthesizer sounds. The LFO data is intended to act on filter cutoff, which has the standard controller CC#74. ZynAddSubFX by Paul Nasca reacts on these filter cutoff controllers. The "Bass 1" and "Plucked 3" presets from this synthesizer work well with this demo file.


Command Line Usage and Options

qmidiarp [OPTION] [file]
qmidiarp { --help | --version }



-p, --portCount <num>
Set the number of available MIDI output ports to <num>. The default is 2.
-h, --help
Print possible command-line options and exit.
-v, --version
Print version information and exit.

-a, --alsa
Use the ALSA MIDI backend
-j, --jack
Use the JACK MIDI backend (default).

Name of a valid QMidiArp (.qmax) XML file to be loaded on start.

Supported Files

*.qmax :  QMidiArp XML files containing session data in XML text format.

Please also have a look at
Steven Grace's FreeSoftwareMusic Article in FreeSoftwareMusic.wordpress.com        Dave Philips' article set on arpeggiators in LinuxJournal.com        QMidiArp's French language page on LinuxMAO.org

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